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Help us build a Vedic Study & Research Centre and a Temple. 

Contribute to buying a land in the heart of Europe, in Croatia and constructing the place for peaceful contemplation and study of the ancient Vedic scriptures.

Istra, Croatia

Vedic Study & Research Centre and Temple

£0.00 Pledged
0 Backers
Goal: £1,300,000.00
Minimum amount is £10 Maximum amount is £500000
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Vedic Centre and a Temple in the heart of Europe. Vastu Construction Of a Vedic Study & Research Centre and The House Of Worship. Help us build Vedic Study & Research Centre and a Temple for worshiping Lord Krishna according to the ancient Vaishnava Dharma. Check out what is included:
    • Vedic Study & Research Centre
    • Sri Sri Radha Govinda Temple
    • Temple Kitchen
    • Yoga & Meditation Hall
    • Guest Hause
    • Yajna Mandir (Vedic Sacrifices Shrine)
    • Free Prasadam – Food Distribution Shelter Cabin

The benefits of building the Temple

In the Agni Purana (1.38.1-19) it is stated: “One who desires to construct the temples of gods gets freed from bad karma incurred in thousands birth. One who thinks of building a temple gets the bad karma of hundred birth destroyed. Those who approve the building of a temple for Lord Krishna also become free from their bad karma and go to the world of Achyuta (Spiritual world). Having built a temple of Hari (Vishnu or Krishna), a man immediately sends 10,000 ancestors before his birth and after his birth, to the world of Vishnu. The ancestors of a person who builds a temple for Vishnu, having seen it, remain in the world of Vishnu, well-honoured and received from this suffering in hells. Constructing of the abode for the deity destroys the bad karma of killing of a brahmana and other grievous bad actions. Whatever benefit could not be obtained by performing fire sacrifices (yajnas), are obtained by building the abode for the Lord, and he reaps the fruits of bathing in the waters of all the holy places (tirthas). Even building the temple in play with the dust, will send one to heaven… By building a temple of Vishnu one reaches his abode. As long as the bricks remain in the temple of Hari, the founder of that family is honoured in the world of Vishnu. He becomes punyavan (full of pious credits) and adored in this, as well in the next birth.”

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4 times Laddhu Offering to Lord Sri Krishna in your name, on Thursday, and feeding sadhus with the laddhus offered (50 sold already)
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